Swemko is a specialist company understanding all slitting requirements which vary dramatically from product to product.
With this understanding Swemko stocks various designs of dished and flat top knives with various bevel configurations with a range of high quality materials to enhance performance. Our Blades are manufactured with our standard high quality surface finish but blades can also be specified with our Dienes super-finish which pushes blade surface finish to new levels.
Our range of bottom knives with various designs and shaft locking methods completes the range. Our bottom knives can be supplied with our high quality standard steel up to Tungsten Carbide tipped.
All the above is designed to enhance the performance of your machinery with increased productivity and improved slit quality this is achieved with attention to detail in blade geometry and surface finish for top and bottom blades.
See Knife sharpening service for our product support or call our technical service for more information.